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The 59th IEEE CDC would like to offer tiered sponsorship opportunities
with potential exhibit space for interested corporations. All sponsors
and exhibitors will be recognized as a platinum, gold, silver, bronze or
copper sponsor according to their chosen level of engagement and
If you are interested in being a sponsor or exhibitor
at the 59th CDC please contact
the Exhibits & Sponsorship Chairs,
Professors Keum-Shik Hong
and Valeri Ougrinovski.
We hope you will have a good experience at this venue for your exhibits.
On behalf of the entire Organizing Committee, we look forward to working
with you to ensure an exciting and productive Exhibits Area at the CDC 2020.
Click here to download Sponsor and Exhibitor Prospectus.
Partnership and sponsoring possibilities |
A selection of sponsorship packages are
being offered for your organisation's exposure
at CDC2020. They are briefly detailed below.
Full description can be found in this
sponsorship and exhibition prospectus.
Diamond partnership includes:
- Five complimentary full registrations;
- Acknowledgment as sponsor for one social event (arranged with Operating Committee);
- One free conference workshop;
- *Sponsor speical topic session through Zoom;
- **Opportunities to meet online with attendees;
- Website and program acknowledgements;
- Flyer (ad) file into online program;
- Advertisement in the CDCTV through YouTube
Live Streaming (subject to change) for 3 min.
* Due date is October 1, 2020 to be included in the final program book.
** A dedicated Zoom link will be provided and you can meet
attendees. Note that your meeting schedule will follow
the conference schedule.
The contribution for Diamond partnership is USD 30,000.
See more details in the
sponsorship and exhibition prospectus.
Platinum partnership includes:
- Four complimentary full registrations;
- Acknowledgment as sponsor for one social event (arranged with Operating Committee);
- One free conference workshop;
- *Sponsor speical topic session through Zoom;
- **Opportunities to meet online with attendees;
- Website and program acknowledgements;
- Flyer (ad) file into online program;
- Advertisement in the CDCTV through YouTube
Live Streaming (subject to change) for 2 min
* Due date is October 1, 2020 to be included in the final program book.
** A dedicated Zoom link will be provided and you can meet
attendees. Note that your meeting schedule will follow
the conference schedule.
The contribution for Platinum partnership is USD 10,000.
See more details in the
sponsorship and exhibition prospectus.
Gold partnership includes:
- Three complimentary full registrations;
- *Sponsor speical topic session;
- **Opportunities to meet online with attendees;
- Website and program acknowledgements;
- Flyer (ad) file into online program;
- Advertisement in the CDCTV through YouTube
Live Streaming (subject to change) for 1 min
* Due date is October 1, 2020 to be included in the final program book.
** A dedicated Zoom link will be provided and you can meet
attendees. Note that your meeting schedule will follow
the conference schedule.
The contribution for Gold partnership is USD 5,000.
See more details in the
sponsorship and exhibition prospectus.
Silver partnership includes:
- Two complimentary full registrations;
- **Opportunities to meet online with attendees;
- Website and program acknowledgements;
- Flyer (ad) file into online program;
** A dedicated Zoom link will be provided and you can meet
attendees. Note that your meeting schedule will follow
the conference schedule.
The contribution for Silver partnership is USD 2,500.
See more details in the
sponsorship and exhibition prospectus.
Bronze partnership includes:
- One complimentary full registration;
- Website and program acknowledgements.
The contribution for Bronze partnership is USD 1,500.
See more details in the
sponsorship and exhibition prospectus.
Copper partnership includes website and program acknowledgements. The contribution for Copper partnership is USD 1,000.
See more details in the
sponsorship and exhibition prospectus.
Key Dates (2020)
Submission Site Opens: | January 6 |
Initial Paper Submissions to L-CSS with CDC Option Due: |
March 3
March 17 |
Invited Session Proposals Due: | March 10
March 24 |
Initial Paper Submissions Due:
Firm deadline, no extension! | March 17
March 31 |
Workshop Proposals Due: | May 1 |
Paper and Workshop Decision Notification: | mid-July |
Best Student Paper Nominations Opens: | July 20 |
Final Submission Open: | August 1
August 15 |
Registration Opens: | August 1
August 15 |
Best Student Paper Nominations Closes:
(Note: Final Paper Required) | August 15
August 31 |
Accepted Papers Due: | September 10
September 20 |
Early Bird Closes: | October 1 |
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Copper Sponsors
Organizing Committee
Business License: 724-80-00753
Prof. Chung Choo Chung
Hanyang University
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu
Seoul, 04763 Korea
Tel & Fax: +82-31-716-2724
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