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59th Conference on Decision and Control - Jeju Island, Republic of Korea - December 14th-18th 2020

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Local Information
About Korea
About Jeju Island
World Natural Heritage

All questions related to local arrangements should be directed to the Local Arrangements Chairs: Professors PooGyeon Park, Ho-Chan Kim, and Jong Min Lee.

About Korea

Korea, the Land of Morning Calm, is a truly remarkable place. There are so many things to see and do in Korea that you are sure to find an attraction that is the perfect match for your requirements. Korea's rugged mountainous terrain and hundreds of miles of coastline provide unlimited scenic beauty and opportunities for outdoor activities throughout the year. But scenic wonders are not the only attraction of Korea. Evidence of Korea's unique 5,000-year-old history and culture can be found everywhere. Every city and village has their share of traditional festivals that preserve the old ways of life, but updated to cater to the comforts of foreign visitors. The unique Korean cuisine has flavors sure to please every palate.

About Jeju Island

Jeju Island is the largest island in Korea and is located in the Pacific Ocean just off the south-western tip of the Korean peninsula. Jeju Island is a volcanic island with a mountainous terrain, a dramatic rugged coastline and spectacular watershed courses. The Island has a unique culture as well as natural beauty. It is a living folk village, with approximately 5.4 hundred thousand people. As a result of its isolated location and romantic tropical image, Jeju Island has become a favorite retreat with honeymooners and tourists.

Jeju Island is in every aspect an Ideal Venue for CDC 2020 since it is blessed with beautiful natural surroundings and possesses excellent infrastructure & support systems.

World Natural Heritage (Designated on July 2, 2007 by UNESCO)

Jeju, which was created by volcanic activity, has scenic and geological value. With its outstanding aesthetic beauty, unique volcanic features and ecosystem, UNESCO designated 'Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes' as the first World Natural Heritage sites in Korea in 2007. The sites declared as World Natural Heritage in Jeju are Halla Mountain, Seongsan Sunrise Peak, and Geomun Oreum Lava Tube System (Geomun Oreum, Bengdwi Cave, Manjang Cave, Gimnyeong Cave, Yongcheon Cave and Dangcheomul Cave). They make up 10 percent of the total area of Jeju Island.



Korea's currency unit is won (KRW) which comes in 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 50,000 Won bills, and 10, 50, 100 and 500 Won coins. Generally, banks are open between 09:30-16:30 Monday to Friday. Automated teller machines are in operation 24 hours a day. Most large stores, hotels and restaurants in Korea will accept major international credit cards. However, it is advisable to carry some cash, since many smaller establishments and stores are unlikely to accept any credit cards.


Tipping is not a regular practice in Korea. Service charges are included in your bill for rooms, meals, and other services at hotels and upscale restaurants.


Jeju Island has a mild oceanic climate throughout the year and the average temperature of December in Jeju is 9.3 degrees Celsius.

Time Difference

In relation to Greenwich Mean Time, Korea is +9 hours.


Korea uses 110 and 220 volts, 60 cycles system, but the standard voltage is 220 volts. Regarding the shape of outlet, Korea use 'Round pin attachment plug' type. Please check up your plug and prepare an adapter, if necessary.

Tourist Information Center

Korea Tourism Organization carries out the tourism advisory telephone service at #1330 every day of the year even through public holidays at all Tourist Information Centers in the nation for your traveling convenience.

There is a diverse array of information at #1330 that can surpass the information provided in the designated area's map, tour guidebook, and Tourist Information Center. You will have access to detailed information on the desired sights as well as accommodation, transportation, restaurants, and more in Korean, English, and Japanese.

Program Book (PDF)

COVID-19 Related Announcements

PaperPlaza Submission Site

Key Dates (2020)
Submission Site Opens:January 6
Initial Paper
Submissions to L-CSS with CDC Option Due:
March 3
March 17
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 10
March 24
Initial Paper
Submissions Due:
Firm deadline, no extension!
March 17
March 31
Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
Paper and Workshop
Decision Notification:
Best Student Paper
Nominations Opens:
July 20
Final Submission Open:August 1 August 15
Registration Opens:August 1
August 15
Best Student Paper
Nominations Closes:
(Note: Final Paper Required)
August 15
August 31
Accepted Papers Due:September 10
September 20
Early Bird Closes:October 1

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Organizing Committee

Business License: 724-80-00753
Prof. Chung Choo Chung
Hanyang University
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu
Seoul, 04763 Korea
Tel & Fax: +82-31-716-2724

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